A Experts view.

To get a second hand opinion on the pick for the best manager in the Premier League i went to meet one of my colleges and a big admirer of the League Siguršur Straumfjörš Pįlsson my older brother. From his youth years he always has been a Arsenal fan. But he doesn't hold is opinion on the subject.

First question i asked him was is there anyone who can stand up to the achievement Sir Alex has done with United. He answered,, For many years the talks have been all around Ferguson and his achievements, and no one else has been linked to such success as him. But there are many great managers out there like Mourinho today, he took charge of Inter Milan and won the division in Italy Twice and he won the Treble his second and last year with the club"

Asked about his opinion on the difference between Ferguson's ways of coaching and others he said,, There is a whole lot of difference, for example ; He has been coaching United now for 22 years, and now his team is all built by his ways, every single player in the team is there because Ferguson wants him to be there. And if you look at other managers like Mr. Daglish who is managing Liverpool now, he took charge just 4 months ago. He has to get his time to built his team to stand up to Ferguson and his mens. If i would have to put some bet on it i would say Liverpool will end up winning the Premier League in the next 1-3 years"

The last question i hit my brother was if he had to choose whom would he pick as the best manager in the division, who is the runner up and who takes third place. ,,This is probably the easiest question you've asked today, there is no chance by my opinion to get you toes where Alex has his heals. I think nobody will ever beat his accomplishments with United. A man with a winning percent of 63% in the Premier League from the start is just crazy. The manager in second place i would pick José Mourinho, he was just a short while at Chelsea but he changed so many things at the club. And Turned them into one of the strongest team in the world today. The third place i would pick the Arsenal manager Arsné Wenger. Though he has not been doing so well in recent years with Arsenal, he has brought in and coached so many youngsters to become world class players so there is no doubt in my mind that Wenger should get the 3rd place".



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Guðmundur Kristinn Pálsson
Pure hearted boy from a small town in Iceland.

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