1.9.2011 | 15:55
The Premier League.
The English premier league is the biggest and the most watched football league in the world today. The division is attracting the strongest players all over the world to come and play at top level. The Premier League is shown in television in over 200 countries all over the globe, and every game is estimated to have average around 10 20 million viewers. To show an example in the growth of the division the l rival match United against Arsenal 22nd January 2007 there were 160 million viewers in over 202 countries.
Not only does the league hold most of the strongest players in the world, the have the biggest teams in the world. Nearly every time in the Champions League in the quarterfinals, there are at least 2-4 teams from the Premier League. That says a lot about the quality in the division.
But in the next chapter we are going to find out who is the most successful manager in the Premier League from the foundation 20 February 1992.
There have been so many great and colorful managers in the division and its a though choice to separate them so it will be fun to see how will be voted the best!
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